This week our Mini Chefs will be making – Sausage Pasta – Italian Style!
A light and fresh tasty summer dish made with vibrant summer ingredients such as basil and cherry tomatoes which are roasted with garlic until they pop and blister, which offers a much lighter alternative to heavy tomato based sauces at this time of year.
We will be using fennel seeds native to the Mediterranean they are a dried seed that comes from the fennel herb, fennel seeds look like cumin and are used to flavour fish, meat and vegetable dishes, as well as breads and chutneys.
Fennel seeds, are popular in Italian cuisine, whether chopped into a salad, sprinkled over fish or as a garnish or used to add a hit of anise to cured and cooked meats and works especially well with pork.
In this week’s dish we will be using the following skills:
Weighing, measuring, chopping, squeezing and pan frying, slicing, mixing/combining, boiling/simmering and tearing.
See you Saturday Mini Chefs.