Junior Chef – 13/21 July 2019

This week we will be making – Summer Chicken Fricassée with Peas and Braised Lettuce

‘Chicken Fricassée’ is a delicious French dish which uses two techniques to create one dish.

Fricassee is the French name for one-pot cooking, fricassée therefore refers to the cooking method, not the recipe.   It is usually a dish that is cooked entirely in one frying pan, and a sauce made within, the meat is cut up and braised, and served with its sauce, traditionally a white sauce.

A classic French cooking method; fricassee is halfway between a sauté and a stew it is a hybrid method that combines both wet and dry heat. A true classic with as many variations as there are cooks in France, it relies on modest ingredients and just one pot. It’s the original French comfort food.

Fresh tarragon is at its best in summer, and used with chicken cooked in this manner is utterly delicious, our chicken will be simmered with summer vegetables to include peas as it is ‘Great British Pea Week’ and braised lettuce in a creamy, silky sauce, along with a serving of parsley buttered new potatoes.

In this week’s dish we will be using the following skills:

Searing, sweating, cutting, shredding, slicing, pan frying, deglazing, reducing, simmering, squeezing.

See you soon Junior Chefs.

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