This week we will be making – Chicken Fajitas with Guacamole and Sour Cream
Fajitas are not an authentic Mexican dish, but actually a fusion dish which comes under the well known “Tex-Mex” label. A fajita in Tex-Mex cuisine is any grilled meat that is marinated and grilled with onions and peppers and usually served with tortillas. The meat and vegetables may then be eaten straight or inside the tortilla. The term originally referred to skirt steak, the cut of beef first used in the dish.
According to common lore, Mexican cowboys in West Texas developed fajitas as a way to enjoy inexpensive cuts of meat. They cooked thin slices of meat (“fajitas” loosely translates to “little strips” or “belts”) directly over a campfire.
The method is to quickly sear the meat on a griddle or grill, and serve with quickly seared peppers and onions and flour tortillas. Sour cream and guacamole make welcome accompaniments.
This week we will be using the following skills to make our dish: Washing, measuring, peeling, chopping, crushing, slicing mixing/combining, souring our own cream, stir-frying and serving.
See you Saturday Junior Chefs.